Rosa Lyn Internationally Know Psychic Consultant
Internationally Known Psychic Consultant - as featured on National Television and Radio


Rosa Lyn - My life

Telephone me on: 01922-415663 Mobile: 07966 450734 Cyprus: 99742821
Or send me an email or fill in my enquiry form and I will contact you as soon as I can.

My life’s experiences have taught me so much but I felt I needed the scientific explanations of what makes us unique so I studied neuro linguistic programming who we are through stimulus response, what happens through our nervous system at an unconscious level, what makes us react to phobias, and how we can overcome them, and other unwanted habits, how to develop good self esteem, why diets don’t always work and how to condition them to be more effective and permanent.

I am now a qualified Neuro Linguistic Practitioner at a master level and also I have done Samaritan work for many years.

I would like to share one of my experiences with you, as I previously mentioned on my home page , I was abandoned as a baby, and a few years ago I found myself having to practice what I preach, through a certain situation out of my control I found myself having to live in an area not through choice but through circumstances, and although I am aware of spiritual help, this came in a very special way through my next door neighbour, he was wonderful, he helped me all he could. I remember at the time how much I missed not knowing my natural father or his whereabouts, imagine the surprise when I discovered that my neighbour was my father, a chance in a million you may say, never underestimate the power that lies within you!

If I can help in any of the areas discussed here please give me a call or email me. I also cater for parties in the way of a private sitting for each person and talks relating to various topics discussed on this website, finishing with a guided meditation. Please see parties.

I can show you how to achieve Love, Health, Wealth and Happiness (see my testimonials from my many very satisfied clients over many years)


Rosa Lyn

As featured on National Television and Radio

Master NLP Practitioner and Professional Clairvoyant

Private Appointments by arrangement

Parties catered for



Live Readings of your Potential Future





All can be yours, I'll show you how!

Entire site copyright Rosa-Lyn 2008-2022

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